Culture of Mutual Recognition by Gurmeet Bambrah

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As empires rapidly dissolved after 1960 many dominions and colonies had partly or completely adapted the institutional and academic engineering governance models of the colonizers. A large number of engineering associations resulted from this laying the foundation stones for an ‘unofficial Commonwealth’ of professional associations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs).16 Globally this meant that licensing and regulation of engineers became more prevalent as a means of maintaining engineering standards and protecting public safety, health and welfare.

Just as issues of national mobility of engineers across states had emerged in America at the turn of the twentieth century, issues of international recognition of qualifications started to become significant after 1960. Multi-lateral credential recognition agreements began to be put in place. These were meant to promote mobility of engineers across borders but were largely derived from the traditional model of core industrialized countries as leaders and developing countries as peripheral followers. These international agreements and discussions can now be divided into two components:

 Mutual Recognition and accreditation of Academic Qualification Agreements and;

 Mobility Forums concerned with assessing professional practice and registration of engineers

A myriad of national and international mutual recognition agreements have evolved since 1989. These include the Washington, Dublin and Sydney accords initiated by ABET, the APEC and ASEAN Registers of Asian Engineers and the FEANI and Bologna Accords to standardize engineering education across Europe. Since the mid nineties focus has shifted to mobility forums concerned with assessing professional practice and registration of engineers across borders.

Significantly different accreditation outcomes have resulted from these. ABET in America has extended accreditation to international levels. It accredits over 3,100 programs at more than 600 institutions in 22 Countries (as of September 2011). CEAB in Canada however has failed to internationalize and currently only accredits 220 engineering programs in 43 schools across Canada. Consequently Engineers migrating to America from other countries face few barriers to licensing or employment while only 1 in 6 of those migrating to Canada get to be licensed or employed as engineers in Canada. Mobility and accreditation now face new challenges.

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Gurmeet Bambrah, is the founder of TalentHunt360

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Ethics & Accreditation in Engineering


TalentHunt 360’s founder and CEO Gurmeet Bambrah, PhD write on Ethics and Accreditation in Engineering:

As conflicts between self-interests of engineers and public interest emerged, client/engineer issues gained prominence in North America in early 1900s and a wave of reforms started to set in place implicit codes of ethics for engineers. Primary examples of these were the codes of ethics of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, (adopted in 1912) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society of Civil Engineers, both of which were adopted in 1914. 9, 5,14

In a second wave of reforms the Engineers Council for Professional Development (EPCD) was founded in America in 1932 – as an organization of organizations (rather than individuals) – to promote consistency in the licensing, ethics and practice of engineering. Following these developments the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) – now Engineers Canada – was set up in 1936 to promote consistency in the engineering educational standards, regulatory and licensing practices of provincial regulators in Canada.

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How Did Engineering Begin (Part 1- Global Engineering Cultures)



Have you ever thought of how a building was built, a bridge rose high, a tunnel dug deep?

These are marvels that you may have discovered through the eyes of documentaries, but let’s go deeper.

TalentHunt 360’s founder and CEO Gurmeet Bambrah, PhD takes you back in time for these ancients culture of monuments.

“Many great engineering achievements date back to ancient times. Examples of these include the wheel between 4000 and 2000 BC and the Pyramids, constructed in Egypt during 2800-2400 BC; The Great Wall of China constructed around 200 BC; Roman cities that included aqueducts, bridges and dams2 and Indian irrigation practiced as early as the 500 BC3. Though monumental even by today’s standards large–scale replication of these across time and space remained unachievable.”

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