How did Engineering Begin? (Part 3- Renaissance Culture of Enlightment)

Isaac Newton Courtesy of Biography
Isaac Newton Courtesy of Biography


Some say the Renaissance period was the greatest in human history? Do you agree?

Find out more from TalentHunt 360’s founder and CEO Gurmeet Bambrah, PhD.

“Driven by eras of enlightenment, reformation and revolution, in Europe in the renaissance period (15th and 16th centuries) engineering increasingly became systematic and science-based in addition to drawing upon empirical experience. With major advances in printing technology in the 15th century, illustrated books of machines and manuals of technical processes were published by many inventors.

The works of Leonardo Da Vinci, filled with sketches of possible and impossible machines illustrates this. The science of chemistry evolved from medieval alchemy, and the science of astronomy evolved into natural philosophy. By the end of the 17th century, these led to a scientific revolution and science had become an established mathematical, mechanical, and empirical body of knowledge. Natural Philosophers such as Galileo Galilei, René Blaise Pascal, and Isaac Newton, among others contributed much to this evolution.”

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